
Nightmare Hay Rides

In the fall, check out the Nightmare Hay Rides (http://www.nightmarehayri...), and in the summer check out the Ellicottville Rodeo (http://www.ellicottviller...). Both are located at 6319 Sommerville Valley Rd, outside the village.

6291 NY Route 242

Open to the public Monday through Friday, in order to ski here on the weekends, you must be a member. This is the largest privately owned ski club in North America. For weekend skiing, head over to Holiday Valley.

Ellicottville Village Park
8-22 Parkside Dr

Just off maples rd behind the legion, 716 699-2240. fully equipped park with picnic shelter, tennis, soccer, baseball, inline skating, washroom and changing facilities.

Holiday Valley
Holiday Valley Road

Rated the number 4 resort in the east by readers of SKI magazine (http://www.skinet.com/ski...), this is the larger of the two resorts, and has full snowmaking capabilities to stay operational throughout the winter. In the summer, "the valley" boasts an 18 hole golf course. Holiday Valley also includes the Holiday Valley Tubing Co., for snow tubing.

Skiing and snowboarding are what a vast majority of visitors to Ellicottville come to do. The two ski resorts are:

Besides the ski resorts, there are many other things to do in Ellicottville: